Kyrkans Unga Luleå, KUL

Being together, having fun, enjoying the evening and worship God. Words which describe best the youth group at EFS. 

KUL, Kyrkans Unga Luleå, är en ungdomsgrupp som träffas på EFS fredagar 18:30 - 22:00. En samverkan mellan Skolkyrkan, EFS och Svenska kyrkan i Luleå.“ - Instagram describtion

Every week, we plan different activity. Let me demonstrate what we've done so far.


Two weeks after our arrival, we went bowling at Oleary’s. We had every bowling row because there were so many of us. We also had a music night. A lot of young people are really talented at playing instruments. But that night was more about our knowledge of music. Since we had to guess the answers to every question except when Nena's song 99 Luftballons was playing, it  was amusing for us Germans to have at least one right question.  On another Friday, we held an open stage for them to demonstrate their musical talents. Visit Instagram to take a peek if you're interested. Additionally, to open stage, we had a sleepover. Together we played Hide and Seek in the darkness and enjoyed being together. I had a good time waking everyone awake. But not only there I had a good time, we also had a Tårtbakartavlingen. Each team had a different bible story to represent. You can see the results on Instagram as well. 

Each Friday is unique, but they are all still a lot of fun. We felt welcomed right away, and over time, we formed a number of amazing friendships. 

However, we are not merely present as a participant.

We are preparing Fika at 18.00. KUL will then start at 19.00. We begin with an icebreaker game and a name round. After it, the program starts. At 21:30, we gather together in the chapel. The Andakt is being held by one of us leaders. Typically, we have a few prayer stations during what we refer to as "Holy Time." They can light a candle, write down their prayer, speak privately with one leader, or simply listen to the music and pray on their own. At 22.00, it is time to say good-bye. 

The best part of being in KUL, everyone is welcome and is a part of us. We want the youth to feel safe and carried. It is a space where we handle each other with respect and love. Because God loves each one of us.

Additionally, we opened up a Unga Vuxen group for 18+ people. We thought it would be great to create a space for them alone. Deeper talks, diverse activities, but ultimately a sense of understanding and closeness to people your own age. Our first meeting will be on 20th November where we are going to join the Temadag at Kommuniteten Senapskornet. 

We are also pretty talented dancers, but don't tell anyone. Check this out: Dancing

- Alicia Köhler


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