Cultivating Peace in Luleå - project results from 2023-2024

By Mariam and Josh

The Go(o)d Seed Project has concluded it´s second project with young volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps. We said goodbye to our three volunteers at the end of June and we miss them greatly already. What a huge impact they have made here! Palina left for Poland where she plans to study Music Therapy at a university there. Oussama left for Morocco where he plans to spend the summer and then travel to China to work as an English teacher. Mariam returned to her home in Tblisi, Georgia where she is working, volunteering and speaking out for the human rights there in Geogia. Such amazing things have happened in the lives of each one of them during their time here with us. They have grown in their faith, in there understanding of their calling in life, and in their interpersonal relationships, how to work as a team and even to show hospitality to strangers. They have each persued with fervor the goals of The Go(o)d Seed Project as well as their own personal learning goals which they set for themselves. 

It has been two years now and two different projects with volunteers from the EU Solidarity Corps and the impact these projects have had on our congregation and local community has been tremendous! We can see very clearly that our congregation has become much more diverse in ethnicity, background, and age. This has challenged us to think in new perspectives and to understand others that are different from us. The community that represents EFS Luleå today is a colorful combination of many unique and beautiful people that are being transformed through the power of love and compassion! 

One of the focuses of The Good Seed Project has been to care for the earth as best as we know how to through the ways that we eat, travel and consume. We have grown our own organic vegetables together and have found ways to serve delicious meals with these delicious homegrown vegetables. We have committed ourselves to riding bicycle, bus and train as much as possible so that we can reduce carbon emissions in the way we travel. And we have had together studied and discussed the climate crises and how we can take responsibility and make a difference. 

Here is a look at the statistics we have kept for the spring term:

The Community Meal (Gemenskapsmåltiden)

Every Tuesday, our church becomes a warm, welcoming space for the Community Meal. This weekly dinner is open to everyone, breaking down economic and social barriers. With the support of generous donations, including abundant bread from a local supermarket, we offer not just food, but also a sense of community and shared humanity. Additionally, our distribution of clothing addresses various needs of those who join us. 

Throughout the spring term, we consistently welcomed an average of 28 guests each Tuesday. In total, 123 unique individuals from 22 different countries attended our dinners. The event's popularity was evident, with 26 attendees joining us more than five times and 41 newcomers experiencing it for the first time.

Sunday School 

Sunday mornings bring families together for a dynamic and educational Sunday School experience. Designed for children, this event combines play and learning, using interactive games to teach about God, love, kindness, and compassion. The joy of discovery and the bonds formed in this nurturing environment lay a strong spiritual foundation for our young members.

Our inclusivity extends to these children's gatherings, welcoming new families from Congo, Sudan, and Iran, alongside our regular attendees from Eritrea, Nigeria, Iran, and Afghanistan. This spring, the average attendance was 16.2 children, ensuring a diverse and welcoming environment for all.

International Gathering Place (Internationella mötesplatsen)

Thursday evenings bring a touch of global culture to our community with the International Gathering Place. Here, we share diverse cuisines and celebrate the cultural richness of our community, fostering a sense of global connection locally. This spring term, 86 unique visitors attended, with an average of 19 individuals each week. Our guests hailed from 15 different nations, with 11 newcomers and six regular attendees who participated more than five times.

KUL Youth Group

Fridays at EFS church are filled with the laughter and energy of our Youth Group, aimed at adolescents aged 14 to 18. This event blends spiritual teachings with recreational activities. Games, often linked to the teachings of Jesus—such as loving our neighbor, forgiveness, compassion, and justice—create a joyful and engaging experience. After the activities, a "fika" session fosters camaraderie, followed by an "andakt" (devotional) for reflection and spiritual connection.

This spring, we averaged 25 youth participants each Friday. A total of 58 different youths attended, with an average of 16 in the 13-15 age group, 6 in the 16-19 age group, and 6 young adults aged 20-25.

Young Adults (Unga vuxna)

Every other Saturday, we provide a more relaxed yet spiritually enriching environment for young adults. Similar to the Youth Group but with a calmer atmosphere, these gatherings include shared "fika," engaging conversations, and uplifting worship songs, promoting personal growth and community bonding.

This term, the average attendance for young adults was 9, with 19 unique individuals joining us. The events alternated between casual hangouts and themed evenings. 


We are so immensly greatful for these young volunteers and the efforts and commitments they have made to The Go(o)d Seed Project. We have experienced already an abundant harvest from the many seeds that have been sown! Some seeds have sprouted and we continue to care for them and try our best to nurture a culture of growth. We continue to cultivate the soil and prepare to sow new seeds! Sometimes our efforts are not successful and the seeds we sow never reach harvest. But this is also a part of the process. Patience and perseverence are key elements in this work. So we continue to be faithful even when we see no results! And we leave it all in God´s gracious hands and trust the power of love to overcome all.   


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