
Nonviolent Communication: A Language Of Compassion

By Palina Tupik   Let us become the change we seek in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi Recently we’ve finished reading “Nonviolent communication” by Marshall B. Rosenberg with our community. I want to share with you the story how I was contributing to emotional violence before reading this book without even realizing it and how the thoughts from this book help me now to be more compassionate for my own needs and needs of others. Before reading it, I was sure that I’m really good at communicating with people. I thought: “Yeah, if there is a problem, I need to immediately talk with the person to solve it because this relationship is really important for me and I want to be 100% sincere with others”. But nobody taught me which words to use to talk about the problems. So, one day I said to my boyfriend Daniel*: “ I feel so sad in our relationship as you are non-initiative. Usually I organize all our meetings. Can you just initiate more so I will know that you love me?” . What was I waiting f

Embracing Love and Community: A Heartwarming Journey of Living in a Christian Community in Sweden

In the heart of Sweden, you'll find a vibrant Christian community, where love, care, and understanding blend harmoniously to create a welcoming haven for people from all walks of life. Here, amidst serene landscapes and shared beliefs, relationships flourish, and bonds deepen, fostering unity and compassion. Love is the cornerstone of our community, a guiding light that brightens our path as we journey through life together. It's not just a feeling but a beautiful practice—an intentional act of kindness and generosity towards one another. Every day, we strive to embody love in its purest form, offering a helping hand, a listening ear, and unwavering support. At the heart of our community life is the art of non-violent communication, a skill we try to develope through patience, empathy, and understanding. We value each person's unique perspective and experiences, bridging our differences through open dialogue and attentive listening, forging deeper connections. We are all b

How´s the growing? A midterm evaluation...

By Mariam and Oussama In the heart of our community, our church stands as a beacon of inclusivity, love, and spiritual growth. Through a carefully crafted series of weekly events, we have woven a tapestry of fellowship that transcends age, background, and social status. These events serve as pillars, supporting our mission to create a vibrant and welcoming space for individuals seeking connection, spiritual nourishment, and shared experiences. The Community Meal (Gemenskapsmåltiden) Every Tuesday, our church transforms into a haven of warmth and acceptance during the Community Meals event. This weekly dinner, open to all, transcends economic and social boundaries. Supported by generous donations, including a bountiful supply of bread from a local supermarket, we extend not only physical sustenance but also a sense of community and shared humanity. The distribution of clothing further underscores our commitment to addressing the diverse needs of those who walk through our doors. During


Oussama shares his story in the third person perspective of how he has journeyed in search of spiritual truth which has led him to Christianity.  I n the ancient city of Marrakech, Morocco, lived a young man named Jamal. Born into a devout Muslim family, Jamal grew up surrounded by the rich tapestry of Islamic traditions and customs. However, despite the vibrant culture that enveloped him, Jamal often felt a profound sense of emptiness, as if something crucial was missing from his life. One day, while navigating the bustling streets of the medina, Jamal encountered a group of Christians who were sharing their faith. Intrigued by their message of love, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal peace, Jamal engaged in conversations that sparked a spiritual awakening within him. As he delved into the teachings of Christianity, Jamal found solace in the words of Jesus Christ. The verse from Acts 4:12 resonated with him deeply: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other n

Who is my neighbor? And what is Civil Courage?

Av Josh Armfield A central focus of the Good Seed Project is to practice compassion for our neighbor. But the question then arises, “Who is my neighbor?”. It is the same question Jesus was asked 2000 years ago by a young teacher of the law wanting to know what he should do to gain eternal life. After Jesus´ reply “Love God and love your neighbor”, the young man, wanting to test Jesus, asked simply “Who is my neighbor?” Isn´t this a typical question? Like asking, “what is the least I must do, and still get what I want?” You could say easily that sacrificing one´s life, safety or comfort for another, let alone for a stranger, does not come to us naturally. But what is Jesus´ answer? Typical of Jesus, he doesn´t answer him directly, but tells a story instead. And the hero of the story is not what this young man would have expected. Jesus tells of a man that was beaten and robbed on the road to Jericho. Two devout Jewish priests, one by one, passed him by without offering even a word of ki

A Transformative Journey: Finding Purpose in a Good Seed Project

  A Transformative Journey: Finding Purpose in The Good Seed Project Av Mariam  Tsutskiridze In the quaint town of Luleå, my life took an unexpected turn three weeks ago. I had traversed through moments of doubt, lost faith, and a myriad of challenges. Desperation led me to a moment of prayer, a plea to a higher power for a sign that something greater existed. Little did I know that the answer to my prayers would manifest in the form of a project that not only revitalized my spirit but also became a beacon of hope for those around me. Before stumbling upon this project, I had grappled with my faith, at times forgetting that God is not merely a comforting thought but a tangible force in our lives. The skepticism lingered as I cautiously approached this newfound opportunity, wondering how I would fit into a project grounded in shared beliefs. Yet, from the moment I set foot in Luleå, something changed within me.   The atmosphere of this place, filled with genuine people, instantl

A new chapter

Written by Oussama Echchalim      I arrived in Lulea nearly three weeks ago, and life here has been a striking departure from what I'm accustomed to. It's like experiencing the opposite end of the spectrum. The city exudes tranquility; there aren't many residents, and the weather is remarkably cold. This is in stark contrast to Casablanca, a city characterized by its high population density and constant noise. In a way, I believe that's precisely the point. It's why I chose to come here. I could have applied for projects in other countries with more cultural similarities, but I deliberately chose this path. I yearned to live and experience the extreme opposite. So far, life here has been incredibly fulfilling. Josh, Elisabeth, and I engage in a variety of activities in Sundet, namely gardening. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we prepare dinner in EFS church. The community meals that we share are a open and everyone is welcome. Even many individuals on the fringes of soci