How´s the growing? A midterm evaluation...
By Mariam and Oussama In the heart of our community, our church stands as a beacon of inclusivity, love, and spiritual growth. Through a carefully crafted series of weekly events, we have woven a tapestry of fellowship that transcends age, background, and social status. These events serve as pillars, supporting our mission to create a vibrant and welcoming space for individuals seeking connection, spiritual nourishment, and shared experiences. The Community Meal (Gemenskapsmåltiden) Every Tuesday, our church transforms into a haven of warmth and acceptance during the Community Meals event. This weekly dinner, open to all, transcends economic and social boundaries. Supported by generous donations, including a bountiful supply of bread from a local supermarket, we extend not only physical sustenance but also a sense of community and shared humanity. The distribution of clothing further underscores our commitment to addressing the diverse needs of those who walk through our doors. During ...