
Showing posts from December, 2023

Who is my neighbor? And what is Civil Courage?

Av Josh Armfield A central focus of the Good Seed Project is to practice compassion for our neighbor. But the question then arises, “Who is my neighbor?”. It is the same question Jesus was asked 2000 years ago by a young teacher of the law wanting to know what he should do to gain eternal life. After Jesus´ reply “Love God and love your neighbor”, the young man, wanting to test Jesus, asked simply “Who is my neighbor?” Isn´t this a typical question? Like asking, “what is the least I must do, and still get what I want?” You could say easily that sacrificing one´s life, safety or comfort for another, let alone for a stranger, does not come to us naturally. But what is Jesus´ answer? Typical of Jesus, he doesn´t answer him directly, but tells a story instead. And the hero of the story is not what this young man would have expected. Jesus tells of a man that was beaten and robbed on the road to Jericho. Two devout Jewish priests, one by one, passed him by without offering even a word of ki...