
Showing posts from September, 2022

Let the journey begin

The day of departure (30/08/2022) finally arrived after much planning.  Valeria boarded the train at 20.3 0 , in Berlin. I joined her at 23.59 in Hamburg. It was time to say good-bye to the family and welcome the adventure.  We were both quite exhausted after this emotional day. But neither of us anticipated that we would have such a unique night ahead of us.  To begin with, getting to the bed was, at least for me, an adventure. We only discovered the leader an hour before we arrived in Stockholm, so I had to cli mb up. Furthermore, it was a little loud and constantly wobbled. After some time, we finally experienced sleep. Around 2.00, I heard someone pounding loudly on the doors and calling “Passport, Police”.  Obviously, we crossed into Denmark.   After presenting our passports , we tried to sleep again.  At 7 o'clock, we arrived in Sweden. There is no control this time, only a drug dog.   Well, up to that point, we were fully awake. E...

From the Garden to the table

Josh and Alicia harvest potatoes and Leeks One of our goals for the Go(o)dSeed project is to use care for God´s creation. We see this as a very clear calling we have as followers of Jesus. The health of the earth is in crises, and thus even the health of human beings is in crises! Our own health and the health of the earth and all of it´s creatures are connected. As a part of the our learning process, we are currently reading a book together called "Making Peace with the Land" (by Fred Bahnson and Norman Wirzba). In the first chapter the author writes, "Human life simply makes no sense apart from the life of all creation. We live only because the worms, plants and bees do too. And they live because God loves them." One of the ways that we believe that we can actively contribute to caring for God´s creation is through how we eat. We believe that eating is actually a very deeply communal and ecological act, and even sacred when we look at it from a theological perspec...